Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dukungan Anda

Kegiatan ini tidak terlepas dari peran serta Anda semua. Mari bersama-sama mendukung kegiatan ini dan memberikan kesempatan kepada anak-anak jalanan dan dhuafa untuk berekreasi, belajar dan bermain.
Dukungan Anda ataupun perusahaan Anda sebagai bentuk kepedulian dapat disalurkan dengan bentuk pilihan sebagai berikut:
1. Donatur Dana
Anda dapat menyalurkan dana ke rekening yang sudah tersedia dan akan mendapatkan laporan hasil kegiatan.
2. Donatur Pendukung
Keikutsertaan Anda dalam berpartisipasi mendukung kegiatan ini dapat juga berupa kue (snacks), makan siang, minuman ringan, hadiah, dan bingkisan untuk anak-anak dan lain-lain. Merupakan dukungan yang sangat luar biasa atas keterlibatan Anda untuk turut serta membuat kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik dan berbagi cinta dan bahagia untuk sesama. Donasi berupa uang dapat di transfer pada:
BNI 46 Cabang Melawai Raya
No. Rek. 17035026
a.n. Susetiorini


BCA KCP Atrium Senen
No. Rek. 6850072360
a.n. RR Virgina Veryastuti

Mohon informasikan kepada Vira (0818775787) setelah mentransfer.
Catatan : tambahkan digit unik (09) jika ingin mentransfer. Misalnya, Anda ingin berdonasi sebesar Rp.50.000,- , maka transfer dananya sebesar Rp 50.009,- ke rekening yang telah tesedia diatas.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Foto - Foto Outing Kembali Kampung 2008

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Outing Program for Homeless and unfortune Childrens

One of annual events held by KKS Melati is the Outing Program for Homeless and Unfortunate Children. This exciting program has been conducted since 2003.
2003 Visitation to the Bogor Botanical Garden with the children from Sekolah Anak Jalanan (SAJA - school for street children)
2004 Trip to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah with SAJA
2005 Trip to Pesanggrahan river and kite museum with children from four shelter houses.
2006 Two day camping trip in Cilember waterfall, West Java, with children from one foster house, two shelter houses and one reading corner
2007 Outing trip with the theme “your ocean… my ocean… our ocean!!” at Carnaval Beach, Ocean Park, and Seaworld Indonesia
2008 Outing trip entitled “Kembali Kampoeng” or “Return to the Village” at Kampoeng 99 Pepohonan with children from 7 shelter houses. The trip was intended to give the children an experience of living in a village.

For the latest outing program for homeless and unfortunate children, KKS Melati would like to apply the concept of experiencing the beautiful Indonesian Archipelago and put up the new theme “Jelajah Pulau” (Islands Voyage).

This program will invite the participation of homeless and unfortunate children from:
1. Sekar Street Children Shelter House, Kampung Bawang, North Jakarta.
2. Dian Mitra Foundation Shelter House, Galur – Senen, Central Jakarta
3. Balarenik Shelter House, Penggilingan – Cakung, East Jakarta
4. Sumbangsih Children’s Study Group – Kamal Muara, West Jakarta
5. Remaja Peduli Sesama Group – Bangka, South Jakarta
6. Bina Peduli Dhuafa Foundation – Cipete, South Jakarta
7. Melati Reading House – Ampera, South Jakarta
8. Lazuardi Foundation, Jakarta

These eight places are also included in KKS Melati’s book rolling network, which is a program intended to provide more books for homeless and unfortunate children. The total target number of participants involved in this outing program is 80 children and around 40 volunteers.

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About KKS Melati

Kelompok Kerja Sosial (KKS) Melati (Melati social work group) is a group of volunteers that share similar concerns about their social surroundings and reflect these concerns through social activities.
Established on November 24th, 2001, KKS Melati is one of the active medias available for youths of Jakarta to display their sympathy and care toward the surrounding community, not only in terms of sympathetic feelings but also in the realms of real life social actions.
These actions are expected to spread with more and more youth volunteering in social activities. We always refer this spreading phenomenon as “healthy virus”. We believe that by motivating more youths that care, the city we live in could be a better place.

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